Retinol Charisma Delicate Serum Instant Lift 35g

Retinol Charisma Delicate Serum Instant Lift 35g

Regular price $0.00

Retinol Charisma Delicate is an anti-aging skin booster that rejuvenates, firms, brightens, and reduces fine lines. It further refines texture and skin tone.
For all skin types | Year-round use | No irritations | Suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Directions for Use:
Apply a thin layer on the face, eye, neck, and chest areas up to twice a day, or as instructed by a skin care specialist. During the daytime, it is recommended to also apply NOON Brush&GoTM sunscreen powder with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF).

Active Ingredients:
Retinol 0.3%

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